
TriBimensionals by UAIO Antor
Visit LFA SPACE and enjoy the exhibition TriBimensionals, by artist UAIO Antor.
July through Fall, 2017
Monday - Friday, 10:00am - 6:00pm

Uaio Antor 488 x 145 cm 2017

Uaio Antor 38 x 138 cm 2017

Uaio Antor 128 x 128 cm 2017

Uaio Antor 100 x 281 cm 2017

Uaio Antor 128 x 128 cm 2017

Uaio Antor 50 x 45 cm 2017

Uaio Antor 111 x 120 cm 2017

Uaio Antor 140 x 180 cm 2017

Uaio Antor 130 x 45 cm 137 x 26 cm 141 x 53 cm 2017
LUMíNICO SONORO, by Muu Blanco
Saturday, April 15th, 2017 at 8:00pm
These are complicated times, there is no clear route to follow. Therefore, it is up to the viewer to detect any of the possible paths where the idea of ​​geometric structure becomes a excuse to talk about heterogeneity and the multiple sensory possibilities (visual and sound experiences).
The way in which each of us negotiates these dissonances is what gives meaning to reality, both the visible and invisible. In the end, art as a symbolic exchange is based in a moment of simultaneity, of multiple acts that converge, in this case they can be experienced from different creative points of view, from the experience that persists in the search for abstract aesthetics referring to language; Either within the natural environment (that forms the idea of ​​landscape) or that which has been constructed by man (also another form of landscape). The possibility of a dialogue always remains, is always present, art is the language that comes pierced by the power of the definitions that its made up of.
Muu Blanco
Miami, Florida 03/24/2016
Special Thanks to:
- @mikihumo : Mapping advisor for this
- Arts Connection Foundation : sponsor artist
"muublanco" 2014 - 2018
​​Estos son tiempos complicados en los que no hay un camino claro a seguir. Por lo tanto, corresponde al espectador detectar cualquiera de los posibles senderos donde la idea de la estructura geométrica se convierta en un pretexto para hablar de la heterogeneidad y de las múltiples posibilidades sensoriales (experiencias visuales y sonoras).
La forma en la que cada uno de nosotros negociamos estas disonancias es la que otorga sentido a lo real, tanto a lo visible como a lo invisible. Al final, el arte como intercambio simbólico se basa en un momento de simultaneidad, de actos múltiples que confluyen, en este caso pueden ser experimentados desde los diferentes puntos de vista del devenir creativo, desde la experiencia que persiste en la búsqueda de estéticas abstractas, en tanto lenguaje; ya sea dentro del entorno propiamente natural (que conforma la idea de paisaje) o aquel que ha sido construido por el hombre (también otra forma de paisaje). La posibilidad de un diálogo siempre permanece, es siempre latente, el arte es el lenguaje que sobreviene atravesado por la potencia de los significados que lo conforman.
Muu Blanco
Miami, Florida 03/24/2016
Agradecimiento a:
- @mikihumo : Mapping advisor for this
- Arts Connection Foundation : sponsor artist
"muublanco" 2014 - 2018

Quantifiable by Corina Hoher.
We invite you to visit our current exhibition Quantifiable.
Featuring Venezuelan Artist: Corina Hoher.
The exhibition will be opened from November 17th, 2016 to February 25th, 2017.
"There is more to our reality than the mere data we perceive, a dimension of invisible matter, universal language full of messages that exist beyond the realm of our empirical sensitivity. Technology has assisted man's transition to discern unexplored perceptive territory, towards a new vision of the human experience"- Corina Hoher

Line, Form, Frequency, an Optical Perception.

100 x 38 x 38 cm 2016

120 x 75 cm 2016

55 cm 2017 1-8

1426 x 244 x 335 cm 2016

60 x 38 x 38 cm 2016